Hymn:Christ The Way Of Life Possess Me
Tune:Christ The Way Of Life
Words:Timothy Dudley-Smith (b 1926)
Music:Phil Burt (b 1957)
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Verse 1
Christ the Way of life possess me, 
lift my heart to love and praise; 
guide and keep, sustain and bless me, 
all my days. 
Verse 2
Well of life, for ever flowing, 
make my barren soul and bare 
like a watered garden growing, 
fresh and fair. 
Verse 3
May the Tree of life in splendour 
from its leafy boughs impart 
grace divine and healing tender, 
strength of heart. 
Verse 4
Path of life before me shining, 
let me come when earth is past, 
sorrow, self and sin resigning, 
home at last. 
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