To Guard Against the Monsters in My Life, I Became a Monster Myself
Christianity Today 2025-05-29 @ 11:00
A lifestyle of violence and addiction nearly destroyed me, but it brought me to the foot of the cross. I grew up in Kansas City, Kansas, in a home filled with chaos. Home was an ever-changing...

The 'Least of These' and the Quest for a Post-Christian Conscience
Christianity Today 2024-10-16 @ 17:40
This piece was adapted from Russell Moore's newsletter. Subscribe here. Every few years, someone makes the point that, "actually," the "least of these" passage from the Gospel of Matthew doesn't...

Mind the Power Gap in Missions
Christianity Today 2024-10-16 @ 10:00
In the past 50 years, the center of Christianity has shifted from the West to the Majority World. As Zambian mission leader Lazarus Phiri told me during a recent interview, "Those who were once a...

Pastors and Public Servants: Lead Your Neighbor as Yourself
Christianity Today 2024-10-16 @ 10:00
As a pastor, I've found one of the main difficulties in leading faithfully and living as good neighbors is that we can't always choose our neighbors or the context and circumstances in which we lead...

Died: Bill Pannell, Black Evangelical Who Raised the Issue of Racism
Christianity Today 2024-10-15 @ 18:17
Bill Pannell, a Black evangelical who pushed white evangelicals to recognize their captivity to the culture of American racism, died on October 11 at age 95. The evangelist and seminary...

How Messianic Jews Are Serving Israelis Displaced by Hamas and Hezbollah
Christianity Today 2024-10-15 @ 10:00
As the sirens wailed on October 1, Nirit Bar-David took refuge in her familiar safe room. Iran had just launched another 180 missiles at Israel, and she had about a minute to take cover. So did the...

My Friend, Bill Pannell
Christianity Today 2024-10-14 @ 16:32
I first met the late William Pannell in 1993 in a hallway of Christianity Today. I was in my early 20s, just a year removed from graduating college. Dr. Pannell was visiting his old friend, former CT...

What Are Parents For?
Christianity Today 2024-10-14 @ 10:00
In his 1990 essay collection, Wendell Berry considered the question "What are people for?" The answer, in true Berry fashion, is a beautifully intricate web of answers that add up to human...

When the Elder Calls—From Outer Space
Christianity Today 2024-10-14 @ 10:00
Billy Adkison, 91, spent his life farming in East Texas; he never wanted to go to outer space. "I don't want to be higher than pulling corn and lower than digging taters," he told CT. All the same...

Died: Jack Iker, Anglican Who Drew the Line at Women's Ordination
Christianity Today 2024-10-11 @ 16:53
Jack Iker, a Texas bishop who took 48 congregations and 15,000 parishioners out of the Episcopal Church USA and helped start the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), died on October 5. He was 75...

Why Can't We Talk to Each Other Anymore?
Christianity Today 2024-10-11 @ 10:00
Years ago, I taught a Bible study that I knew would be controversial. I was a couple years into seminary, and my church asked me to join a team of teachers for the weekly women's Bible study. We were...

The Robot Will Lie Down With the Gosling
Christianity Today 2024-10-11 @ 10:00
In an animation landscape full of sequels, prequels, and remakes, The Wild Robot is a welcome respite. Based on Peter Brown's eponymous 2016 novel and brought to the screen in painterly style, the...

How Priscilla Shirer Surrenders All
Christianity Today 2024-10-11 @ 10:00
Priscilla Shirer remembers the advice she got earlier in her ministry career: You cannot do a thousand things to the glory of God, but you can do one or two. "I've never forgotten that," she said...

Church Disappointment Is Multilayered
Christianity Today 2024-10-11 @ 10:00
Why are people leaving the church or their faith behind? Some answers boil down to platitudes, like a supposed desire to pursue a sinful lifestyle. But apologist Lisa Fields has found the reasons to...

You Don't Need a Rule of Life
Christianity Today 2024-10-10 @ 10:00
Contemporary culture is brimming with exhortations to discipline. From Jordan Peterson's runaway bestseller 12 Rules for Life to Ryan Holiday's The Daily Stoic to James Clear's...

Which Church in Revelation Is Yours Like?
Christianity Today 2024-10-10 @ 10:00
Revelation is often interpreted out of context based on current concerns and fearful speculations about the end times. But after a study trip to Turkey—and years of teaching Revelation at my local...

In Appalachia, Helene’s Water Crisis Taps a Global Christian Response
Christianity Today 2024-10-09 @ 15:49
International Christian engineering nonprofit Water Mission usually responds to clean water crises overseas, like flooding in East Africa this year or the earthquake in Turkey last year. But when the...

The Bible Doesn't Fit an Information Age
Christianity Today 2024-10-09 @ 15:32
This piece was adapted from Russell Moore's newsletter. Subscribe here. I recommended the Gospel of Mark to an unbeliever. He read it and found it "creepy." That's exactly the response I wanted...

Evangelicals for Harris Asked to 'Cease and Desist' Billy Graham Ad
Christianity Today 2024-10-09 @ 13:23
The ad begins with a clip of Billy Graham, wearing glasses, a gray suit and tie, leaning in toward a pulpit. "But you must realize that in the last days, the times will be full of danger...

Facing My Limits in a Flood Zone
Christianity Today 2024-10-09 @ 10:00
When we moved to the small town of Canton, North Carolina, last fall, we heard stories about flooding. Living in the mountains spells unpredictability. In 2021, Tropical Storm Fred flooded the river...

5 Lessons Christians Can Learn from the Barmen Declaration
Christianity Today 2024-10-09 @ 10:00
In recent weeks, a group of evangelicals crafted a Confession of Evangelical Conviction in response to the "social conflict and political division" plaguing the American church, especially amid...

Back at Shooting Site, Trump Supporters Pray for His Protection
Christianity Today 2024-10-08 @ 15:58
When Kori Koss heard that Donald Trump was coming back to Butler, she felt her stomach sink. It's been less than three months since a would-be assassin's gunshots narrowly missed the former president...

JD Vance Says Trump White House Will 'Fight for Israel'
Christianity Today 2024-10-08 @ 14:40
Several hundred people on the National Mall in Washington cheered Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance as he headlined an October 7th memorial rally, punctuating his remarks on the ongoing...

You Are the Light of the Public Square
Christianity Today 2024-10-08 @ 10:00
The Christian public witness has raised a voice of emancipation in American history. Our faith has provided the civic muscle to build schools for the poor and hospitals for the sick. Christians have...

Heaven Is A Homeplace
Christianity Today 2024-10-08 @ 10:00
On the morning of Friday, September 27, I sent a frantic text message to my cousin Paul: "Been thinking of Granny's house and hoping it survives this storm! Let us know!" It wasn't long after I sent...

We Have Never Been Deplorable
Christianity Today 2024-10-08 @ 10:00
By the time Hilary Clinton "put half of Trump's supporters" into "the basket of deplorables" in 2016, I confess I was frustrated enough to largely agree with her—even though she was talking...

The Internet's Sins Are Our Sins. But It Shouldn't Escape All Blame.
Christianity Today 2024-10-08 @ 10:00
Americans tend to be optimists about technology. We see it as a means of progress, comfort, wealth, and discovery. And why not? Technology has treated us well, and very few among us would pooh-pooh...

UK Regulators Investigate Barnabas Aid over Reports of Misused Funds
Christianity Today 2024-10-07 @ 20:25
One of the biggest Christian charities in the United Kingdom is being investigated by regulators following reports of financial mismanagement, conflicts of interest, and escalating internal tensions...

Global Methodist Bishops to Dance
Christianity Today 2024-10-07 @ 10:00
Questions of bishops stirred controversy in Costa Rica. Amid the joy of the convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church as the new denomination ratified and modified the provisional...

Chinese Christians Push to Adopt Children with Disabilities
Christianity Today 2024-10-07 @ 10:00
Xiaofei Wang, a pastor's wife at a house church in the Chinese port city of Xiamen, had long heard of families overseas who would adopt children with special needs from China. Some of these adoptive...

Gordon Students Count Cells, Hoping to Unlock Cancer Mysteries
Christianity Today 2024-10-07 @ 10:00
A lab at a small evangelical college in New England might not be the most obvious place for advanced cancer research, but Craig Story isn't letting that stop him. This fall, Story is teaching...

Gaza War Strains Bible Scholars' Model of Christian Conversation
Christianity Today 2024-10-07 @ 10:00
When Jesus told the 12 disciples to shake the dust off their feet in protest of any town that did not receive them, it is easy to forget their mission was among fellow believers in Yahweh. Jews were...

Latino Churches' Vibrant Testimony
Christianity Today 2024-10-04 @ 10:00
The common language of worship has a way of capturing the heart even when the mind cannot understand. I remembered this as I wiped my tears while Spanish-speaking Christians sang passionately around...

Modern 'Technoculture' Makes the World Feel Unnaturally Godless
Christianity Today 2024-10-04 @ 10:00
In his 1996 novel, In the Beauty of the Lilies, John Updike has a fictional Reformed Presbyterian minister feel his faith abandon him like an exhale, leaving his "habitual mental contortions...

The Chinese Christian Who Helped Overcome Illiteracy in Asia
Christianity Today 2024-10-04 @ 10:00
In 1918, Yan Yangchu (Y. C. James Yen) set sail from the United States for France despite the possible threat of submarine attacks during World War I. The recent Yale University graduate, along with...

Evangelicals Struggle to Preach Life in the Top Country for Assisted Death
Christianity Today 2024-10-04 @ 10:00
Canadian Christians increasingly find their pro-life values in conflict with their nation's rapid acceptance of medical assistance in dying (MAID). Many say churches could be a refuge in Canada's pro...

No More Sundays on the Couch
Christianity Today 2024-10-03 @ 10:00
It is Sunday morning and quiet throughout our house. The first morning light is slipping through our blinds, just enough for my husband to read his Bible and for me to write. The only thing I hear is...

What Would Lecrae Do?
Christianity Today 2024-10-03 @ 10:00
For the first few minutes of Kendrick Lamar's new song, I only half listened, nodding in time to the hypnotic beat while responding to emails on my laptop. Then came the line that made me sit up and...

Safety Shouldn't Come First
Christianity Today 2024-10-03 @ 10:00
You may be tempted to read The Pursuit of Safety: A Theology of Danger, Risk, and Security with an eye toward determining whether and to what extent its author, Wheaton College theologian Jeremy...

A Hurricane Doesn’t Tell Us Who to Hate
Christianity Today 2024-10-02 @ 16:21
This piece was adapted from Russell Moore's newsletter. Subscribe here. My family is from one of the most hurricane-prone places in the United States—our hometown was virtually wiped from the map...
Gen Z Evangelicals Want to Be Famous for Their Hobbies and Talents
Christianity Today 2024-10-02 @ 10:00
Gen Z evangelicals don't want to be known for their faith. Instead, they want their talents, interests, hobbies, and education levels to be the ways they make a name for themselves. They see their...
The Gettys' Modern Hymn Movement Has Theological Pull
Christianity Today 2024-10-02 @ 10:00
The success of "In Christ Alone" established Keith Getty as one of the leading songwriters in what he refers to as the modern hymn movement. The popular breakout song—which has remained on...

The Bible Contains Discrepancies. That Doesn't Make It Untrustworthy.
Christianity Today 2024-10-02 @ 10:00
In 1983, biblical scholar Robert Gundry was ousted from the Evangelical Theological Society. Gundry, in his lengthy commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, had suggested that Matthew tailored stories...

'It's Okay to Say We're Born Again'
Christianity Today 2024-10-02 @ 10:00
Nowhere on its website or in its founding documents does the new Global Methodist Church call itself evangelical. Perhaps the term is too controversial, too divisive and political. Or...

The Evangelicalism of Jimmy Carter
Christianity Today 2024-10-01 @ 10:00
When Jimmy Carter spoke about his faith in Christ while campaigning for president in 1976, many evangelicals were ecstatic. No previous presidential candidate had claimed to be "born again" or...

Who Is My Neighbor?
Christianity Today 2024-10-01 @ 10:00
My neighborhood, just outside of Washington, DC, has a strong sense of local community. I know the people on our block, and I love bumping into folks—at PTA meetings, sports outings, or the grocery...

Widespread Helene Misery Stretches Christian Relief Groups
Christianity Today 2024-09-30 @ 20:52
Devastating hundreds of miles from the Florida Gulf Coast to Georgia to the mountains of North Carolina, Hurricane Helene has created a complicated equation for Christian organizations that are on...

25 Precepts for This (and Every) Election
Christianity Today 2024-09-30 @ 10:00
The high season of American politics is here. Stomachs are knotted. Electoral trend lines undulate. Betting markets tremble. And what of the American church? Many of us are trembling too: with fear...

Fasting Is A Good Thing. But For Some of Us, It’s Complicated.
Christianity Today 2024-09-27 @ 10:00
For a time when I was a child, I wanted nothing unless it was grilled cheese—without the bread. My loving parents accommodated me by placing a special order when we went to restaurants. Eventually...

Faith Lived Close to the Land
Christianity Today 2024-09-27 @ 10:00
My dad eased his pickup truck along the rolling sidehill, tracing the curves in the rows of hay stretching before us, the steering wheel wandering beneath his hand. The afternoon sun was high and...