Hymn:Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Tune:Cross Of Jesus
Words:Charles Wesley (1707-88)
Music:John Stainer (1840-1901)
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Verse 1
Come, thou long expected Jesus, 
born to set thy people free; 
from our fears and sins release us, 
let us find our rest in thee. 
Israel's strength and consolation, 
hope of all the earth thou art; 
dear desire of every nation, 
joy of every longing heart. 
Verse 2
Born thy people to deliver, 
born a child and yet a King, 
born to reign in us forever, 
now thy gracious kingdom bring. 
By thine own eternal spirit 
rule in all our hearts alone; 
by thine all sufficient merit, 
raise us to thy glorious throne. 
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