Hymn:Jesus Shall Reign Where'er The Sun
Words:Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
Music:Philip Armes (1836-1908)
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Verse 1
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun 
does its successive journeys run, 
his kingdom stretch from shore to shore, 
till moons shall wax and wane no more. 
Verse 2
To him shall endless prayer be made, 
and praises throng to crown his head. 
His name like sweet perfume shall rise 
with every morning sacrifice. 
Verse 3
People and realms of every tongue 
dwell on his love with sweetest song, 
and infant voices shall proclaim 
their early blessings on his name. 
Verse 4
Blessings abound where'er he reigns: 
the prisoners leap to lose their chains, 
the weary find eternal rest, 
and all who suffer want are blest. 
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