Hymn:And Can It Be
Words:Charles Wesley (1707-88)
Music:Thomas Campbell (1800-76)
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Verse 1
And can it be that I should gain 
An interest in the Saviour’s blood? 
Died He for me, who caused His pain 
For me, who Him to death pursued? 
Amazing love! How can it be, 
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? 
Amazing love! How can it be, 
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? 
Verse 2
’Tis mystery all: th’ Immortal dies: 
Who can explore His strange design? 
In vain the firstborn seraph tries 
To sound the depths of love divine. 
’Tis mercy all! Let earth adore, 
Let angel minds inquire no more. 
’Tis mercy all! Let earth adore; 
Let angel minds inquire no more. 
Verse 3
He left His Father’s throne above 
So free, so infinite His grace 
Emptied Himself of all but love, 
And bled for Adam’s helpless race: 
’Tis mercy all, immense and free, 
For O my God, it found out me! 
’Tis mercy all, immense and free, 
For O my God, it found out me! 
Verse 4
Long my imprisoned spirit lay, 
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night; 
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray 
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; 
My chains fell off, my heart was free, 
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee. 
My chains fell off, my heart was free, 
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee. 
Verse 5
No condemnation now I dread; 
Jesus, and all in Him, is mine; 
Alive in Him, my living Head, 
And clothed in righteousness divine, 
Bold I approach the eternal throne, 
And claim the crown, through Christ my own. 
Bold I approach the eternal throne, 
And claim the crown, through Christ my own. 


Verse 1
G   G/B   D  G       Am/C   D7     G 
And can   it be that I      should gain 
   C  D  D/C   G/B   D7/F#  G  D/A   A       D 
An in_terest   in    the       Sa____viour’s blood? 
        G/D    D  D/C   G/B    G   D 
Died He for me,   who   caused His pain 
G/B   C       G/B   Am7/C   G/D   D7  G 
For   me, who Him   to      death pur_sued? 
 D  D/C   G/B   D/A   G  C   A7/C#  D 
Ama_zing  love! How      can it     be, 
     G        C             D   D7  G 
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? 
        D         D7     G 
Amazing love! How can it be, 
     C        G    Am/C     G/D   D7  G 
That Thou, my God, shouldst die   for me? 
Verse 2
G    G/B   D    G          Am/C   D7  G 
’Tis mys___tery all: th’ Immor____tal dies: 
    C   D  D/C   G/B    D7/F#  G  D/A     A  D 
Who can ex_______plore  His       strange de_sign? 
        G/D      D  D/C   G/B   G    D 
In vain the firstborn     se____raph tries 
G/B   C         G/B    Am7/C   G/D   D7  G 
To    sound the depths of      love  di__vine. 
     D  D/C   G/B   D/A   G  C     A7/C#  D 
’Tis mercy    all!  Let      earth a______dore, 
    G     C       D     D7  G 
Let angel minds inquire no  more. 
           D        D7     G 
’Tis mercy all! Let earth adore; 
    C     G     Am/C   G/D   D7  G 
Let angel minds in_____quire no  more. 
Verse 3
G  G/B   D   G        Am/C   D7  G 
He left  His Father’s throne a___bove 
   C     D  D/C   G/B   D7/F#  G  D/A   A   D 
So free, so       in____fi________nite  His grace 
        G/D   D  D/C   G/B   G   D 
Emptied Himself  of    all   but love, 
G/B   C        G/B   Am7/C   G/D   D7   G 
And   bled for A_____dam’s   help__less race: 
     D  D/C   G/B   D/A   G  C     A7/C#  D 
’Tis mercy    all,  im_______mense and    free, 
    G    C       D     D7  G 
For O my God, it found out me! 
           D      D7        G 
’Tis mercy all, immense and free, 
    C    G    Am/C   G/D   D7  G 
For O my God, it     found out me! 
Verse 4
G    G/B   D   G        Am/C   D7  G 
Long my    im__prisoned spir___it  lay, 
     C     D  D/C   G/B   D7/F#  G  D/A   A     D 
Fast bound in       sin   and       nat___ure’s night; 
          G/D   D  D/C   G/B   G    D 
Thine eye diffused a     quickening ray 
G/B   C         G/B   Am7/C   G/D    D7   G 
I     woke, the dun___geon    flamed with light; 
   D      D/C   G/B   D/A   G  C     A7/C#  D 
My chains fell  off,  my       heart was    free, 
  G          C          D   D7   G 
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee. 
               D       D7        G 
My chains fell off, my heart was free, 
  C          G      Am/C   G/D   D7   G 
I rose, went forth, and    foll__owed Thee. 
Verse 5
G   G/B   D  G       Am/C   D7  G 
No  con___demnation  now    I   dread; 
  C    D  D/C   G/B   D7/F#  G  D/A   A  D 
Jesus, and      all   in        Him,  is mine; 
      G/D   D  D/C   G/B   G    D 
Alive in Him,  my    li____ving Head, 
G/B   C          G/B   Am7/C   G/D   D7  G 
And   clothed in righ__teous___ness  di__vine, 
      D  D/C   G/B    D/A   G  C  A7/C#  D 
Bold  I  app___roach  the   e__ternal    throne, 
    G         C               D      D7  G 
And claim the crown, through  Christ my  own. 
          D          D7     G 
Bold I approach the eternal throne, 
    C         G      Am/C    G/D    D7  G 
And claim the crown, through Christ my  own. 
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