Hymn:Sing With Me A Song Of Gladness
Music:17th century French carol
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Verse 1
Sing with me a song of gladness, 
dance with me with one accord; 
small I am, but he has called me, 
chosen me to bear His Word. 
He is God, my King, my Saviour; 
praise and magnify the Lord. 
Verse 2
Call me happy, all God's people, 
sing His praises, everyone: 
me, His servant, poor and lowly, 
chosen Mother of His Son. 
Channel of His grace and mercy: 
see what wonders He has done. 
Verse 3
In the heart's imagination, 
He put down the great and the grand, 
sharing with the faint and the hungry, 
all the riches of the land. 
He will raise the meek and humble: 
scatter pride with His strong hand. 
Verse 4
Abraham and all God's people, 
join with me with prayer and praise: 
lift your voices to His glory, 
hands and hearts in triumph raise! 
He has kept His sacred promise: 
faithful to the end of days. 
Verse 5
In the joy of our salvation, 
for the glorious victory won, 
sing with me to God the Father, 
dance with me to God the Son: 
in the love of God the Spirit, 
glorify the Three in One. 
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